• Children

    Our children's ministry provides a solid foundation of faith for our children. That foundation is framed with truth and covered with Christ's unconditional love. We teach God's faithfulness, compassion, love, and forgiveness. Our purpose is to bring glory and honor to God, and it is demonstrated through how we live, love, and relate to one another.

    WATCH this video promo

    Rev. Lisa Sanders | lisa@okcfirst.com

  • Youth

    OKC First Youth is actively seeking ways to tie positive experiences and the gospel of Jesus Christ together in the hope that students might reflect God's love in the world around them. Between our weekly services rhythms and missions to places like San Francisco, our students are challenged to look at their lives, look at Christ, and confess the difference.

    Find out more HERE

    Youth Pastor - Rev. Avarilla Anfuso | avarilla@okcfirst.com

    Instagram: @okcfirstyouth

  • Young adult college community

    We are a group of college students and young adults who do our best to learn about Jesus through community with each other and studying the Bible. We love asking questions and walking alongside each other through life.

    We meet together on Wednesday nights where we do our best to create a safe and loving space for each other. In these spaces we reflect on life and learn about each other to build an authentic community. We often go through books together, read the Bible, and pray.

    “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

    - Matthew 22:36-40 (NRSVUE)

    Find us on Instagram!

    Pastor Rudy Rockett | rudy@okcfirst.com

  • Wednesday Night Classes

    Join us on Wednesday evenings for opportunities to grow in Christ together! 

    There are a variety of options available for all ages.

    Classes are from 6:30-7:45 PM. Childcare is always provided.

    Visit our announcements page to find out what's happening this week!

  • Sunday school

    We believe in Christian Education! Blessed with a group of highly effective teachers and communicators, we gather each Sunday morning at 9:30am in classes ranging in sizes of 10 to 50, to go deeper and openly discuss our questions and observations. 

    For a list of current Sunday School classes being offered and their locations, CLICK HERE, or feel free to ask one of our greeters at the door as you arrive. They would be happy to help you find the right place for you!

    Eric Jergensen | gericjergensen@gmail.com

  • Women's Ministries

    Friendship with God, Friendship with One Another, Open Friendship for the Sake of the World

    OKC First Women’s Ministries tries to incorporate these three things in ways that speak directly to the ladies of our church. 

    Friendship with God is strengthened through time with God. Our goal is to provide an intimate setting for growth and support where women of all stages of life can learn and teach each other. Some related activities to look for include Women’s Bible Study, Brunch & Testimonials, and Weekend Retreats.

    Friendship with One Another is made during times of fellowship. A variety of functions are offered to hopefully have something for everyone. Some related activities to look for include Game Night / Movie Night, Birthday Bash, and Christmas in July Crafts. 

    Open Friendship for the Sake of the World is displayed through various mission projects. Mission projects are not just for people or places that are on the other side of the world. They are for people right here, in places that could be just on the other side of the street. Some related activities to look for include Desserts for Fall Fest, Crocheting / Sewing for Zambia, and Christmas Blessing.

    For more information, email womensministries@okcfirst.com

  • Disciple

    Disciple is an in-depth study of Scripture in community. We meet on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30 from September to May. It’s a long-term commitment, but a life-changing experience! You will be encountered by God through Scripture and grow together with friends that become family. Here are a few testimonies from those who completed Disciple:

    "I discovered that all along God loved us. All my life I thought that God was a God of wrath, so he sent His Son to be the Loving type. Well, I was wrong. God didn’t send His Son so that he could love us, He sent His son BECAUSE He loves us. I can’t say that I have memorized a bunch of verses in the Bible but I can say that I know the Lord truly loves me and I don’t have to live in guilt anymore. My relationship with the Lord is not based upon works and I finally understand how a healthy relationship with the Lord works."

    "I found myself wanting to read and learn more and more. While working through the Bible I found my life having more meaning and taking on a sense of peace I've not experienced before."

    "I have a new understanding of the Bible and feel that this class has helped me make strides in my spiritual journey."

    "I have enjoyed the new friends I have through this class, and appreciate seeing the sincerity of their faith, and their desire to know God."

    "The high-point of this course was pleasure of forming habits so supportive of a Christian life... this is easily the most I've read of the Bible in one systematic effort. This has encouraged me to carry my Bible with me in the car and in my work bag. I'm definitely more able to use scripture as a part of my prayers and as a guide in my conversations. My faith has been strengthened in the aspect of a personal relationship with a loving God (as opposed to living Christianity as a mere code-of-conduct)."

    Rev. Jason Smith | jason@okcfirst.com

  • Small Groups

    We believe that each person at OKC First should be connected to a smaller group where friendship, vulnerability, confession, and discussion are possible. Some people find that small group connection in a Sunday School class, and we celebrate that. Others find that connection in a discipleship program like JustFaith, DISCIPLE, Prayer Practice, or a step study in Celebrate Recovery. Still others find it in a traditional small group - friends who meet on a regular basis to share meals, stories, and burdens. We have a variety of those traditional small groups across the life of our congregation. Some meet once a week, others meet once a month. Some read books together, others meet to laugh and pray. Some groups have members of various ages, backgrounds, and circumstances, while other groups have people who are in the same life situation.

    It is our belief that the life of faith is incomplete without these sorts of small group connections. If you are interested in joining ANY of these types of groups, please email us at smallgroups@okcfirst.com