Adult sunday school classes

  • Room 45

    Teachers: Mike & Vanette Bell

    The Branches class consists of married couples in their thirties and forties. We rotate who brings breakfast, and Mike leads a discussion class geared on living your Christian life outside the church walls. We also rotate in small groups to get together for meals. Remember: Jesus is the vine, and we are “The Branches.”

  • Room 5

    Teachers: Rev. Jason Smith & Jason Hubbert

    A fun collection of single and married people between the ages of 30 and 50. We begin class by getting to know one another with a "Question of the Week” and usually laugh a lot. The class is not heavy on theological discussions (more short devotionals) and is focused on friendship. Two highlights every year are the Christmas Party (with a very lively White Elephant gift exchange) and our Super Bowl Party. We’d love to have you!

  • Room 47

    Teachers: Rev. Daniel & Betty Moreyra

    This Spanish-speaking Sunday School class is led by OKC First’s Ministerio Latino leaders, Rev. Daniel & Betty Moreyra. ¡Te damos la bienvenida! 

  • Room 9

    Teacher: Rev. Ken Murray

    This class is perfect for life-loving, questioning, slightly irreverent followers of Christ who desire to grow together in their faith journey. We are a class of people of all ages, both married and single. The format is Bible study, thematic, discussion-based, and fun!

  • Room 21

    Teacher: Dr. Steve Green

    Do you remember when it was time to pick teams for some game on the playground? There are always those few who are last to be chosen. In the kingdom of heaven, God calls them “first choice.” We are learning to see that God doesn't pick people because of their strengths, but God’s purpose for their lives. 

  • Room 20N

    Teacher: Rev. Jim Williams

    We come together with many years’ experience. We’re learning and growing in Christlikeness under grace. We care for each other throughout the week. We are a joyful expression of the Body of Christ.

  • Parlor

    Teachers: Rev. Dr. Jirair Tashjian & Dr. Kelly Yates

    9:40 am - 10:25 am

    The class is made up of people who attend the Word & Table liturgical worship service, but it is open to anyone who wishes to come. The format is informal discussion of biblical and theological topics.

  • Room 46

    Teacher: Rev. Jon Middendorf

    The YASS class values dialogue, laughter, authenticity, questions and coffee. We enjoy a wide variety of folks in varied life situations, and while most in the class are in their mid-thirties, there are a few younger and a few older, too. Introductions and prayer requests start at 9:30. Hope to see you there!

  • Room 20S

    Teachers: Joel Dyer & Brandon Kirkpatrick

    We're an informal group of singles and married couples from our early 20s to early 30s. Each week we meet to pray, drink coffee, and discuss a variety of topics! We would love to have you join us!